Indoor Winter Workouts to Keep You Motivated


Ring the bell for indoor recess.

Remember the days when your teacher would gaze out at the inclement weather and declare an indoor recess (perhaps, in retrospect, withering inside each time)? If you also like to get your sweat on al fresco, this may be the time of year when you’re making your own daily calls on the weather. Though many of us have accumulated our fair share of at-home equipment, we might lack the energy—mental and otherwise—to actually use it. But may we remind you, as we enter peak holiday time, and the inevitable slog through January and February on the other side, that doing something consistently tops doing nothing.

The studies are in.

For once, we’re getting some not-scary health news: Right on time for winter workouts, we were elated to see this article about a study from McMaster University, proving that an 11-minute body-weight routine indeed has benefits. Unlike similar studies, the researchers proved effectiveness for those who were not already in shape, and did not rely on special equipment. Since the article is behind a paywall and the study is a longer read, we’re giving you the deets above the fold. The workout in question is based on the 5BX (five basic exercises) workout used to train Canadian military members based in remote locations. The 11 minutes breaks down as:

Warm up:
1 minute of jumping jacks 

1 minute burpees (without push up)

1 minute walking (can be in place)

1 minute high knees

1 minute walking (can be in place)

1 minute split squat jumps

1 minute walking (can be in place)

1 minute high knees 

1 minute walking (can be in place)

1 minute squat jumps

Cool down: 1 minute walking (can be in place)

Knock on wood.

We admit to a bit of Goldilocks-style choosiness when it comes to home workout videos: In the past, we’ve found them too peppy, too preachy, too protracted to be sustainable. When Melissa Wood Health crossed our screens, it felt just right. For someone with an other-worldly long & lean physique, Melissa keeps things grounded and doable. Her flows deliver a remarkable sense of accomplishment for the often-brief time invested, and best of all, they’re mindfully centered on a stronger sense of self through movement.  

Your glo-up.

If the past few years have taught us anything, it is that successfully providing a virtual experience that feels like IRL is indeed an art form. We already loved Glo before pandemic times, and now we really appreciate the genius of their instructors who make us feel like we’re in the room with them. Whether you prefer to show up for a live class or watch one on demand, you will love the ability to search by instructor, time, style and even body part—and they get pretty specific. With titles like Achilles Flow for Runners, Tribute to the Psoas, Morning Oil for Tin Men and our favorite Unravel from Travel, you’re sure to find one that speaks your language.

Double dutch.

It never ceases to amaze that three minutes of this jump rope can leave you breathless. The thin speed rope is adjustable for your height and can be used in a surprisingly small space. With a rug underneath, the noise is not too much. A favorite when we’re short on time? Four minutes of jumping rope followed by a one minute plank—repeat as much as your agenda allows.

Out there if you dare.

After years of more serious running, we’ve been happy to discover that the good folks at Peloton have a whole bunch of walk + runs pre-programmed. We still get our hearts pumping, but the walking intervals help to increase our endurance. No tread? No problem. Just press play on this Verse mix and alternate walking and running every other song--you will be out and back to your warm home in under 35 minutes.

Lauren Fulton

I am a Creative Director and Designer with 10 years of experience. My true passion lies in helping small to medium size brands discover who they are, and how they can make an impact through design.

I work across a spectrum of mediums including UX design, web design, branding, packaging, and photography/illustration art direction. I work with start-ups and medium-sized brands from fashion to blockchain and beyond.

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