How to Build Your Political Cabinet of Personal Advisors

Build a cabinet.

Once upon a time in our pre-Verse corporate lives, we heard some stellar advice when faced with business curveballs: Build a cabinet. It’s a concept as established as the US Presidency itself; none other than the Constitution prescribes its role in advising the President on any subject he (or how ‘bout SHE) might require, under the purview of each member's office. It’s slowly gained popularity in a business sense, and is even a regular Saturday feature in The Wall Street Journal. As we cast our gaze forward, we see with some clarity the formidable challenges arising from COVID and other seismic global shifts. So it’s time to get out your address book and start assigning people some seats at your table.

(Curiosity piqued about cabinets in their intended sense? Try Team of Rivals or Locked in The Cabinet.)

Ready for a meeting of the minds? Here are your cordially inviteds. If any of these job descriptions sound like your own universe-appointed superpowers, offer to Secretary (yes, it’s now a Verse verb) for someone in exchange for access to their own.

Secretary of State

Who is that person who always has juuuust the creative and diplomatic solutions to navigate thorny relations? We can all agree that our current environment is rife with potential missteps, misunderstandings and minor dust-ups—which may necessitate the need for diplomatic tools ranging from “hearts and minds” conflict resolution campaigns to perilous treaty negotiations.

Secretary of the Treasury

Who’s that dollars-and-sense ledger wizard who always seems to make steady and sound financial decisions? Whether it’s better home budgeting or savvier investing, we can always afford to be a bit smarter about our money. If someone in your circle seems to have a way with numbers and is well-versed (pun intended) with all things financial, seek out the bottom-line benefits of their wisdom.

Secretary of Defense

This is the one who gives you an unabashed briefing on any situation—just as they see it, and laced with the right mix of cold hard facts and tough love. Better yet, they’re not just there to point out the dangers and reality—they come armed with options, attend to morale and take up a spot in the foxhole with you. With them, no battle is lost, so give them permanent top-ranking.

Secretary of Interior

You need a laugh. Who’s your lifeline? The one who always cheers you up. Like the awe-inspiring and calming instagram feed of the actual US Interior, they conserve your spirits and make your heart soar. When days are dark, they will brighten your path—so bring them on board (naturally).

Secretary of Labor

Who is the person you turn to for all things career goals—from the big policy questions to the tactical how-tos? For many of us, these times have moved the goal line, perhaps permanently. Some will change careers, some will keep coping with WFH challenges and some of us may even start work after a pause. Don’t reinvent the wheel—tap an expert.

Secretary of Energy

You know that friend/relative/colleague who recharges your battery to 110% by the time you finish talking? Something about this person supercharges you—they spark new ideas and give you the confidence to tackle anything. So before you take that Cabinet Room class pic, make sure you have more of these and fewer of those people who drain you, please.

Lauren Fulton

I am a Creative Director and Designer with 10 years of experience. My true passion lies in helping small to medium size brands discover who they are, and how they can make an impact through design.

I work across a spectrum of mediums including UX design, web design, branding, packaging, and photography/illustration art direction. I work with start-ups and medium-sized brands from fashion to blockchain and beyond.

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