Eco-Friendly Swaps to Make at Home


The Replacements

When we hear something is “better” for us (or our planet), we naturally greet it with some level of suspicion. Because “better” BETTER mean more useful, more beautiful and easy to use—or we aren’t having it. Companies seem to be embracing their own “yes, and...” thinking, leading with well-designed and affordable wares that, by the way, also offer bennies for our planet to go with. Luckily, you have us here at The Verse to curate the home swaps that will have you saying “Boy, bye.” to their wasteful predecessors.

Zip it.

Have we met? We like everything neatly in its place, obvi, so no wonder we were once upon a time Ziploc power users. But since discovering this set of Stashers we’ve bid adieu to those wasteful, sad baggies. What’s the hubbub about? First, they’re sturdy and seal well—expanding their potential uses and creating more space. Second, they clean easily in the dishwasher so no complaints about added maintenance. With multiple sizes, you’ll find just the one for your leftover...whatever. Feeling fancy? We’ve even used them to whip up a sous vide in an Instant Pot. But our favorite use case is cookies on demand. Roll your favorite dough into balls and freeze on your cookie sheet. Once frozen, pile them into the half gallon Stasher and you’ve got yourself a few fresh-baked cookies whenever your sweet tooth comes a-calling.

Greener cleaner.

While we were early-birds to the better-for-you home cleaners fête, there was still the guilt over the number of plastic bottles we ditched along with our toxic chemmies. Then—eureka—we found this Blueland set. After you get set up with your initial vessels, refills come in paper-packaged tablet form. Not only does stocking up require less real estate, it makes us feel far less wasteful. On top of their utility, the scents are pleasing and not too overbearing. We’ll call that a clean sweep if we ever did see one.

Flip & sip.

Slow clap for you and your sassy refillable water bottle. While we are celebrating saying adios to the dreaded plastic bottles, we do dread constantly stopping in our tracks to unscrew tops (which go flying every. Single. Time) in order to sip. So we were positively afloat to find these S’well and Hydro Flask sport caps (while wondering why they weren’t the default in the first place). With a no-spill seal, it’s just a quick flick before we quench our thirst. While we worried about investing yet more dollars into haute hydration accoutrements, we were elated when both caps rang in around $10.

Lauren Fulton

I am a Creative Director and Designer with 10 years of experience. My true passion lies in helping small to medium size brands discover who they are, and how they can make an impact through design.

I work across a spectrum of mediums including UX design, web design, branding, packaging, and photography/illustration art direction. I work with start-ups and medium-sized brands from fashion to blockchain and beyond.

Lucy McBride, MD: Balancing Mental Health & Medicine


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